Programmable algae for the health of Russians

Scientists from the Federal Research Center “Institute of Biology of the Southern Seas named after A.O. Kovalevsky” have developed a technology for growing phytoplankton with a given content of vitamins and other microelements. Using special sensors, they monitor the growth conditions of organisms and its dynamics, and then adjust them to obtain the desired result.

Based on these microorganisms, it will be possible to produce dietary supplements and functional products. The advantage of this technology is not only that algae contains a certain amount of useful substances, but also that these substances can enter the human body in an easily digestible form.

The technology is simple, so it is suitable even for small industries. According to the researchers, phytoplankton can be harvested daily within a month of launch. So far, there is only a pilot production – there the Federal Research Center employees analyze the single-celled organisms themselves and the methods for growing them. More than ten types with different properties have already been produced.

Experimental products are also ready – cheeses, kefirs, yoghurts, ice cream, marmalade, cough drops, sunflower oil and even soda. All with algae extract. Such products will help overcome the lack of certain substances not only for individuals, but also for entire regions – for example, those where there is little sunlight.