The first lab-grown meat factory

The first factory for the production of cultured meat has opened in China.

– Shanghai CellX launched a pilot bioreactor with a volume of 2 thousand liters. This is not much – it will only be able to produce a few tons of meat per year.

– Already, she claims that she has managed to reduce the cost of meat to about $220/kg, which is comparable to premium cuts of beef like Wagyu.

– By 2025, the company plans to reach its planned capacity of several hundred tons of products per year. After this, the price can decrease by 10 times.

– This year CellX will try to obtain permission to sell its meat in the USA and Singapore. So far, these are the only countries where such a product can be sold.

“At the same time, in China, the development of the synthetic protein industry is included in a five-year plan designed to reduce the environmental impact of local industry.