Main allergens and their sources

Most food allergens are protein in nature and are named depending on the Latin name of the source or the name of the allergen amino acid.

We have collected the main ones found in food production:

🥜 Peanut – Ara h2 (peanut glycoprotein)
🍔 Sesame – Ses i3 (vicilin-like globulin)
🌱 Soy – Gly m Bd 30K (amino acid glycine)
🌾 Wheat – Tri a19 (gluten)
🥬 Celery – Api g5 (profile)
🌭 Mustard – Sin a1, Bra j1 (vegetable albumin)
🥚 Egg – Alg d2 (ovalbumin) and Alg d5 (serum albumin)
🥛 Milk – Bos d8 (casein) and Bos d7 (immunoglobulin)
🦪 Molluscs and crustaceans – Pen a1 (molluscan tropomyosin)
🐟 Fish – Clu h1, Sar sa, Onc k (parvalbumin)

The manufacturer is required to indicate the presence of the allergen on the product label. In case of “cross-contamination” (when such components are used in production, but are not part of this product), the warning “…may contain…” is placed on the label.