Hypovitaminosis: sudden or “on schedule”

With the onset of autumn, the problem of lack of nutrients (or hypovitaminosis) is discussed a little louder than usual. Seasonal sleepiness, fatigue and chapped lips are often associated with vitamin deficiencies in the body.

When does hypovitaminosis “open” the season and is it related to the season? Tatyana Feofanova, a nutritionist, cardiologist, therapist, and candidate of medical sciences, helped us to understand this topic.


– Tatyana, does vitamin deficiency have a “schedule” and what could be the reasons for vitamin deficiency?


– Experts say that hypovitaminosis in our country is a year-round phenomenon. Summer is the most “vitamin” time of the year, but even during this period the deficit of useful elements remains. First of all, we are talking about a lack of B vitamins.

Seasonality may indeed occur, but only in the case of vitamin C, folic acid and carotenoids. Their deficit increases after winter.

If we are talking about Russia, then there is a widespread shortage, first of all, of vitamin D and vitamins of group B. Less often, but still there is a deficiency of vitamins E, C and A.

The causes of hypovitaminosis can be unbalanced, irregular, monotonous diet; bad habits, the presence in the diet of a large number of refined and high-calorie foods, but at the same time poor in vitamins, as well as the ecological state.


– What time of the year is it worth taking vitamins and which ones?


– There is no specific time of year when it is best for us to take vitamins. As already mentioned, the seasonality of hypovitaminosis is associated with a lack of certain vitamins, the deficiency of which can increase after winter – therefore, it is better to take them in winter.

All other problems are resolved as they become available. If there is a lack of vitamin – the time of year is no longer important, you need to make up for this deficiency.

There are periods of increased vitamin demand – in this case, relative deficiency may develop. There is an increased need for vitamins (one or more) during pregnancy, lactation, active growth, increased mental or physical exertion, as well as with irregular and unbalanced nutrition.


– Should everyone take vitamin complexes?


– In replenishing the deficiency of vitamins, not only vitamin complexes help us, but also the inclusion of fortified foods in the diet.

If we talk about complexes of vitamins, then there are a large number of them on the market in various forms. It can be all kinds of gummies, tablets, syrups…

Be sure to pay attention to the recommended daily dosage of a particular vitamin in this complex. There are complexes where the vitamin content is 30-50% of the recommended daily intake; there are complexes containing about 100% of this value. And there are complexes with a high vitamin content (that is, more than 100%), where the amount of a substance can exceed the daily intake by 10 or more times.

Why is there such a gradation? The complexes, in general, are designed for different purposes. If we are talking about a high vitamin content, then such complexes are designed to quickly eliminate a pronounced vitamin deficiency (literally within 10-14 days). They also allow you to quickly achieve the optimal supply of the body with vitamins.

If the complexes contain vitamins in a percentage closer to one hundred – respectively, they are suitable for eliminating vitamin deficiency within one to two months of admission.

Complexes with a low vitamin content prevent the development of vitamin deficiency, and here we are talking about prevention – they are suitable for continuous long-term use.




Be healthy, read SuperFood and don’t let hypovitaminosis plan your “schedule”!



* Taking vitamins, dietary supplements and sports nutrition is carried out under the supervision of a doctor


The material was prepared by Alexandra Goryunova