A small poll from SuperFood: do vitamins really love in modern society?

Okay, in fact, everything is much more local and simpler: we interviewed 45 people from 18 to 50 years old to find out what their relationship with sports nutrition in the form of vitamins, minerals and IUDs (vitamin and mineral complexes) is. The survey was conducted on the VKontakte platform.

The question was: «Sports nutrition: do you use vitamins, minerals or vitamin and mineral complexes?»

Translation of the poll:

  • «I do not use and I feel fine» – 15 respondents / 30%;
  • «I don’t use, but I want to start to improve my well-being» – 8 respondents / 18%;
  • «I do, but infrequently and irregularly» – 14 respondents / 31%;
  • «I use it regularly, but I don’t see much changes» – 2 respondents / 4%;
  • «I take it regularly and feel better» – 7 respondents / 16%.


Those surveyed who take vitamins regularly and notice improvements, shared their preferences with us. Here are the most popular answers:

  • «Every year I pierce a course of B vitamins (direct fire, it helps a lot). Every six months, sometimes more often, a course of omega-3. I’m also very happy. And now I took collagen, only I will try it together with a small amount of protein (it is better absorbed this way). Stabbing, prada, it hurts every year, to be honest! But endure only five days. You can, of course, drink in capsules, but then the course of administration will be longer – almost a month»;
  • «I drink melatonin and vitamin D3. Melatonin soothes and normalizes sleep, but I don’t drink on an ongoing basis – only if you need to restore the regimen. You feel better, you get enough sleep. And D3 is needed when there is not enough sun, when calcium is poorly absorbed. With this vitamin, the effect is cumulative, it seems to me»;
  • «I drink various sports nutrition vitamins, the effect is cumulative. I take it in capsules, where there are a lot of vitamins at once and normal dosages»;
  • «I drink vitamins in capsules, selected for the female body. The husband drinks the same, only for men. Both notice that skin, nails, hair are better than without vitamins. And in general, the state of health is somehow more cheerful».


The majority, as can be seen from the survey results, do not take any of the vitamins and IUDs and feel stable and normal.


The material was prepared by Alexandra Goryunova